There will be nothing good, unless you do it!
Many thanks to our partners and sponsors who support our work. In order to offer our work for free and to remain independent, we depend on donations. We look forward to receive your thoughtful support so that as many young people as possible are provided with real life oriented basic financial education and literacy appropriate for their age.
FinGru Bildung gUG is recognized as a non-profit organization. You will find your legal prove here.
Thank you so much! Through your thoughtful donations we are able to make our projects to become alive and support students and teachers when it comes to Financial literacy in school. Constructive visioning and committed actions enable a positve, life enhancing development, for all of us!
One, two or ThreeParticipation is easy.
1st Choice:
Donate through
Simply donate to us via!
2nd Choice:
Donate via bank transfer
Our bank account for direct donations via bank transfer
Account owner FinGru-Bildung gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Account number 20467353
IBAN DE05710500000020467353
Bank Sparkasse Berchtesgadener Land
Of course, you will receive a donation receipt from us.
3rd Choice:
Talk about us!
Do you like our activities? Does they make sense to you? Why? Who do you know to be interested and supportive for this?
Please talk about our goals and activities with your friends and colleagues!
There is nothing good, except we do it.
Spread the good news!